you guys remember these right?
prolly feasted on them when u were a kid, thats if u still dont.
so newho the other day i had a craving for this and some onion rings.
so i go to the candy store right by my job and bring exactly 75cents with me.
cuz im thinking alright 25cents for the chips.
no more than 50 for the honey bun.
boy was i wrong.
the next image might shock you.
that 75cents i brought with me was just enough for the honey bun.
tight? yea i was cuz i wasnt making two trips.
but i did end up getting both, cuz im nice like that.
newho, my thing is the majority of the ppl buying these lil snack cakes are lil kids.
kids who dont want to and shouldnt have to pay 75cents for a snack cake.
economy is fucking up kids pockets.
its a damn shame.