Thursday, April 30, 2009


like last yr sometime i had the pleasure of "bumping" into this young man that goes by the name Hi-Jynx, real cool kid, fun to talk to whenever i get the chance to.
few days ago he text me a link to his new song.
1st i wanted to straight face him for texting it to me.
then i tried typing in the link a few times and google chrome kept telling me i was failing.
so fig'd out a way to get it on my comp so i can copy and paste it to my address bar.
from then on it was love at first listen and i've had it on hella repeat since then.

i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i did.

on another note.
ash's bday festivites were this past weekend.
and it was hella fucking funs.
who dat is? oh thats the bday girl.

chilll, we 2cool.

mmmmmm, cake.

hella blind wid it.

me and maries face when we saw the bill.
the bill. a.k.a rape.

the tip, yes thats a half a dollar and 2 quaters it equals a dollar.
one of the best pics of the night.

p.s to all my friends born in '88, piss off.

Friday, April 24, 2009


this was brought to my attention on another website that im on.

for real?
its that serious?
mofos need to go home and cook there own chicken.
however i still died at "im more disappointed than angry,you know we've been looking forward to this day".
poperyes having a sale is hella important to these people.
what a fucking shame.

on a lighter note tomorrow is the b-day celebration for ashlove.
this should be funs.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


so spring break has now come to an end.
and it was possibly the best one i've had thus far.
one thing was missing.
but im pretty sure he'll make it up to me.

i hit up six flags on fri with some peeps.
we did not show up sober.
and some of us didnt leave that way either.
group shot.

Monday, April 6, 2009


this is the gayest shxt ever.
why did snapple start making the bottles look like this?
wtf is wrong with them?
at least the contents taste the same.

and i fucking want britney spears album.
but i cant find a link to d.l. it.